Yesterday, did not turn out as bad as I thought. Pretty good actually. Grand round tak jadi. So I had a lot of time to finish up some of my case reports. Orang kasi setahun siapkan 10 case reports, I took a month to finish 7. Expressssss…. But even if I really took my time, the quality and time spent would be the same. I have 3 more…. Must finish them by this weekend. Dah nak muntah tengok patients’ tickets. Padan muka.
But me, sejak azalinya memang last-minute person. Study last minute, buat kerja apa pun last minute. Kawin pun last minute kuutt?? Heh… I think I need the adrenaline rush to push me to do work. I work better under pressure.
Yesterday, was our first Friday journal club and case presentation. Selalunya hari Sabtu. Thank you Pak Lah for giving us the weekend off!!! One big boss dah pergi Vienna. Another MC. So, tinggal le sorang je consultant to conduct that session.
Dia ni terkenal la dengan garangnya. Even the head of department pun ikut cakap dia. Even those ex-students dia yang laaa ni dah jadi professor madya pun
ketarq bila mention her name. Tapi at times, she does act and sound like a human. Even ada sense of humour lagiikkk..... She`s like that when the other big bosses are not there. She pulled her guards down bila the other consultants are not around. Bukan intimidated, but she keeps a low profile. Bila semua dah comment, baru dia bersuara..
I dunno why, but she and me hit it off quite ok since the beginning. Maybe because of our love for cats, sorta put us in the same sistahood. Or maybe my sense of humour, or my selambaness bila kena marah, or perhaps my lack of feeling intimidated by her. Her favourite pastime memang menakutkan org, esp the junior doctors. Lagi member tu kecut, lagi she will jegilkan bijik mata and marah. Honestly, i think she is just laughing inside. I still remember during my junior years, the seniors will send yours truly to ask her questions they didn`t dare to ask. To fix classes date. To show her a complicated case etc etc. My colleagues still do that to me now.
Me and my 2 best friends stayed back after that. One was on-call, the other just wanna stick around and do some studying. Besides, her hubby will be home late. Kat rumah anak2 notty, tak boleh study langsung. Kalau hubby balik awal, call je, mencicit la dia balik. I dunno kenapa la lelaki ni sometimes tak faham… or buat-buat tak faham kut????. Sama-sama kerja, sama-sama letih. Tapi demand jugak nak bini balik masak la, layan dia la. Study entah ke mana, kerja entah ke mana. Kurang layan sikit, pi berskandal dengan pompuan lain. Pity her….
Anyways, these 2 are my bestest friends. I don`t have many. Kalau dulu ada pun, bila dah berlaki je, terus hilang. It`s like their world now only revolve around the husband and kids. So, my 2 friends ni never fail to butt into my love life, in a friendly manner la kan, or whatever insignificant life I have..
H: So macam mana dengan mamat tu?? Apa progress?
Me: Entah la. Susah betul la forbidden love ni. Tengah in limbo.
Z: Dulu I caught my hubby baru nak buat affair dgn pompuan lain. Nasib baik dah settle. Now my sis pulak found her hubby dok sms dgn pompuan lain. Tengah gaduh besar tu.
H: Mennn….
Me: Yeah…. Meeennn (Oh man … oh man… Apasal tetiba je rasa semacam neeiihhh???)
Z: Then I met my old classmate. Dah kurus. Cekeding. So sembang over coffee. Dia cerita hubby dia pun ada affair dgn pompuan lain, duk chat and sms. Dah setahunnnn…. Dah plan nak kawin. Makan hati dia sampai kurus. Aduuiii…. Apasal la lelaki ni tak boleh setia dengan sorang…
H: Ye la…. Eh Mi, kalau that mamat tu nak tambah lagi sorang, are you willing??
Me: (Langkah mayatku duluuuuuuuu!! Ehh...ehhh... Pompuan tak sedar diri kut me ni) Entah la. Kasi la kut (walaupun tak rela sebenarnya, but do I have the right to say no??? huh!!). Tapi tengokla pompuan macam mana. Kalau dapat yang gedik, atau pisau cukur… tak boleh la.
H: Dah tu kalau dia naaaaakkkkkk jugak cam mana?
Me: Kasi je la kut. Karang duk buat benih haram, I pun berdosa sekali.
Z: Susah betul la kan. Takkan la asyik nak cek depa punya sms, asyik nak suspicious je. Banyak lagi benda lain nak buat. Kalau tak boleh percaya kat hubby, nak percaya kat siapa lagi?
Three of us:….*sigh*
Then tonight, I had a pleasant surprise. My *abang angkat* called. I`ve known him since 1999. I think he wanted to mengurat me back then. But I was already in a relationship. Then it was off, then it was on again. Kalah lampu kelip-kelip yang org pasang bila nak raya tu. He sounded like a responsible person. Ada syarikat sendiri. Hormat kat org tua, his parents stay with him. Entah kenapa, he said he dreamt about me last night. So he found my phone number, and called me up. I think the last time I spoke to him was more than a year ago. He was already married then.
Him: Bila nak kahwin ni? Asyik kerja, study, kerja, study…
Me: Entah laaa. Dah org tak nak kat kita, nak buat cam mana?
Him: Tu la dulu abang mengurat, dia yang takmo.
Me: Bila masa la abg mengurat? Asyik busy je pi outstation sana-sini. (yeah, he was always busy going all over the place to expand his business)
Him: Ada…. Tapi masa tu mi tengah ada bf. Kahwin tak dengan budak tu?
Me: Hmm… tak jadi. Takde jodoh dengan dia.
Him: Alahai…. Habis tu macam mana?
Me: Macam ni laaaaa…. Kekekekekeke (Haaa gelak laaaa…. dalam hati Tuhan aje yang tahu *sigh*) Errrr... business cam mana (nak tukar subjek)? Berapa dah anak abang? Berapa dah anak syarikat? anak kucing?
Him: Anak dah 3 dah. Anak syarikat dah 3..... maybe nak kembangkan lagi...
Me: Waahhh.... tahniah la.
Him: Bila nak habis masters ni?
Me: Insyaallah, setahun lagi...
Him: Abang pun sekarang duk buat masters jugak. Ambik HR.
Me: Rajin abang yek, dulu ambik degree sambil kerja. Now, masters pulak. Nak celeenn (challenge) kita yekkk??
Him: Mestilah... hehehehe
Me: Kakak dan anak-anak sihat ke? Kakak kerja ke?
Him: Sihat. Dia duk rumah je. Next year nak bawak depa pi Europe. Last year bawak depa jalan pi Korea.
Me: Bestnyaaaa.... Kita Cameron Highlands punnnn tak sampai-sampai lagi. (Awat laaaa tak ngorat dia ni dulu. Kalau tak, boleh jadik full time housewife. Dapat travel around the world. Beranak je kerja. Missed the boat i have....*sigh*).
Him: Tu la asyik nak belajar je...
Me: Tuntut ilmu hingga ke liang lahad bang... (Maaannnnnn.... i really missed the boat)
Shall i take the plane then???