Friday, June 15, 2007


It was about 6 months ago, when I was transferred here. I have gazetted, and am now a full-fledged Specialist with a license to korek bijik mata orang… muahahahahahar!!! Ok ok… that was my version of Jangan Pandang Belakang.

I was glad that I was away from the hustle and bustle of KL. There is more room to breathe here. And of course, more time to do some self-reflections and yes, lotsa berangan-angan.

After so long, I have to admit that I have become a bit complacent. Pergi kerja lenggang kangkung. Punch card right at the dot of 8am and 5pm. Lunch hour till 2.30pm, sempat afternoon nap on Fridays. For a s...l...u...g...g....i.....s......h me, it was a bliss.

Little did I know, that peace of mind was abruptly disrupted when my boss got his transfer back to his hometown and yes, yours truly is the heiress next in line.

I do not mind the clinical work, even if that means catering for half of the population of Pahang and doing my two weekly visits to other districts which are at least an hour plus drive from here. But what really bogs me down is the administrative work.

I attended a budget seminar, then the medical advisory council meeting and today, a seminar on auditing. All that within a space of just a week. There are so many courses down the line, credentialing for my paramedics, visits to other hospitals, ISO9000, accreditation…….
Maaaannnnn. I did not slaughter myself for 10 years in med school to end up doing all these.

I am not a hospital administrator. Someone else should be doing all these non-clinical work. But being the Head of my unit, it is inevitable.

So today, I brought home stacks of files to go through so that I won’t look foolishly bewildered the next time someone mention ISO9000 etc.

The extra responsibilities only come with more liabilities, more hairs being pulled out, higher blood pressure and more wrinkles on my forehead.

My birthday is not till October, but I already feel like 40….. uurrrgghhhhh...
Head of department? Yeah right.... Off with the head!!!!


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