Saturday, October 14, 2006


When desire turns to lust
When love turns to hatred
I forgive him…

When ego is bruised
When dignity is trampled
I do forgive him…

When good intentions are mocked
When self worth is burnt to ashes
I can forgive him…

When happiness is just a word
When respect never exist
I will forgive him...

When happy memories dissolve in the turbulent wind
When sacrifices are merely writings in the sand
When anger echoes like the thundering wave against rocks
I shall forgive him…

But how do I, ever



I think i had been delusional.

Too optimistic in love.

I think i am not destined to love or be loved by another human.

Sometimes, parting is not as hurtful compared to the aftermath that you have to endure.

It really hurts when someone who once promised the world to you, turn against you, and backstab you with the most hurtful words imaginable.

Anger can change a man.

Love changes a woman.

A word can kill.

A sentence scars you for life...


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