Friday, July 21, 2006

The Plight of The Eye Witch...

I guess many of you are wondering how my life is like in AS, esp after the demise of my beloved Yibbe, and my emotional breakdown.
Err... perhaps not that many. To the few who actually follow the story of my life, i think i owe it to you to continue my ramblings.
It would have been easy to just stop blogging, but here is where i feel most safe and comfortable, be it from the PC of my bachelorhood pad in KL, at mum's, the office or the internet cafe.
Due to very limited access of the internet, i am unable to update as regularly and as much as i could.
I think just like felines, humans are very adaptive to the environment. After less than a month here, i guess i have adapted to a certain extent that i do not cry silently at night anymore.
I have turned the room into a comfortable place. I got almost everything i wanted, except internet. I finally managed to snatch a tv from mum's place. Even though that cost me another extra hour from my long drive from KL with a pit stop at mum's and back to AS all in one day. It is an old worn-down tv that might stop producing any pictures or sound anytime soon with the amount of tv i watch everyday. Well, at least i got to see Siti and Datuk K's press statement, perhaps her live wedding too eh?
I found my way around AS. Enough to cater for my basic needs... petrol station, supermarket, banks, eateries, fast food joints, internet cafes.... hey i even found Secret Recipe today. I guess it isn't that bad here. All i need is my car and curiosity.
Work is ok. The bosses are actually quite nice. Colleagues are nice too except one who is a big bully, as big as his size. I stood firm and did not give a damn even when he teased and made fun of me. It made my sadness over losing Yibbe more painful. But there was nothing i could do except to ignore him.
But these past few days, he was treating me better and with more respect. He even asked for my opinion on certain cases. Perhaps he had a change of mind. From what i heard, he was much worse before and always give others a hard time especially to the newcomers. No one was spared. Oh well, if you can't beat them, join them eh?
The supporting staff was also nice to me. They even asked me to stay longer than the 4 months that i am supposed to. Well, we'll just have to see.
Right now i am at the internet cafe. I wanted to look for the movie theatre, maybe catch Pirates of The Carribean. But as usual i got lost, went to another shopping complex instead. When i got out of the parking, i realised that the other shopping complex with the cinema was just next to the one which i went to. Ek ellleehhhh.... so i went back into the same parking place (the complex are adjoined and has the same car park). The young guy manning the car park looked at me curiously, he must be thinking that he was having deja vu when i passed by him again in less than 10 minutes. Tee..he..hee...
Alas i found the cinema, or what they call a cineplex. The word 'cikai' and 'kokak' has never had a better meaning. I bought a pirated VCD of Pirates of the Carribean instead.
Adeehhhhh.... is it August yettttt????


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