Monday, July 11, 2005

Pecah Kaca, Pecah Gelas...

Pecah kaca, pecah gelas....

No, tak suruh balas apa-apa pun.

Nope, not my heart that got broken this time....

It's my car front windshield.... ^&((T%$#%^&...

I did not go out this weekend. Was cooped up in the house doing case reports. Yeah…. managed to finish no 8. No 9 and 10 halfway thru. It is like you didn’t have the weekend off. If I have a hubby, he would look for another woman. If I have a baby, he or she would think Bibik is the mommy. If my parents stay with me, I’ll be cursed like Si Tanggang into an iceberg. Breathe reports, eat reports, sleep reports. Worse than the football World Cup. And it is not even exam week yet…. Urghh!!

So, finally get to smell the outside air. Went into the car. As usual do morning exercise by pushing other cars that blocked mine. Nasib baik le proton satria je. Kalau Proton perdana, nak tercirit menolaknya. But sometimes it can be tricky, coz the road can be uneven. So, if the car slide and hit other cars, I just won’t be bothered.

Just starting to warm up the car…. something wrong here.
A crack on the windshield!!!! Right where i paste my road tax.
A cobweb of broken glass, the size of my palm.
Pastu ada streaaakkkkksss that ran till the roof.
Bloody hell!!!

I went out of the car, looking for clues of the crime. Where is Horatio when you need 'em????Too late I guess. This could have happened on Friday, or Saturday, or yesterday. I wouldn`t have known. I don`t remember getting hit by any stones while driving, mana ada ke mana pun. Pergi kerja, balik kerja aje. Stupid of me to park next to the building. Ni mesti ada budak yang baling batu.

Budak-budak kat my flat ni memang macam pelesit, kurang ajar. Semalam baru je I marah sebab letak anak kucing dalam lopak air, mengigil-gigil anak kucing tu. As usual, I could not resist. Ambik the kitten, dried it up, pastu letak dalam kotak alas my baju buruk, then gave back to its mommy.

My other hypothesis ( macam buat report... ) would be ada yang buang something from the 10th floor ke, 15th ke…. The higher you are, the greater weight when you fall. Even batu kecik can cause a lot of damage. Rule of gravity. If only I could get the culprit, nak ku korek dua-dua bijik matanya, or cucuk mata dia… yeah Kassim Selamat resurrected!!!

Went to my regular workshop. I think depa dah recognize my face. Dari jauh dah tegur. Sent my Kancil here before, then my dad`s car masa I pinjam dulu, then my wira ni aje entah dah berapa kali. Service, balancing, beli tayar, tukar spark plug, air filter dan entah hape-hape lagi. This time tukar cermin, kopak la RM300++.

Nak pi Kelantan for conference lagi. Fee dah RM200, tiket plane dah RM250, hutang credit card lagi….. maaaakkk ooiiiii.

My financial woes have just begunnnn…..

Suddenly i saw that Elantra, Altis and Honda City driving further and further away from me……


Blogger Ir. Hanafi Ali said...

Ini semua takdir Tuhan. Bersabarlah. Kan ada hikmah disebaliknya (wiper repaired). Also now you know where not to park.

6:41 PM  
Blogger Shy said...

Sorry to hear your misfortune, Doc!
but yeah, everything happens for a reason..Jgn lupa beli insurans for ur windscreen this time..alaa, once off jea....

12:19 PM  
Blogger marina said...

Tengah sabar la niiiii... I`m trying to flush out the negative energy form my system. Dah nak exam neeiiii... Need all the emotional and physical strength!

Thanks. How much is the insurance for the windscreen?? Berbaloi ke? Unless nak tukar windscreen yang mahal double layered tu la kan..RM580.

8:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, i was abt to say get a windshield insurance. my car dulu satu tahun 3 kali berderai, relax je ada insurance

7:34 AM  
Blogger scrubber said...

Aiyooo Sorry about your car. Obviously not yet a reason to get an Elantra but...must have a dream noh. My car was broken into 2 years ago an the CD player was ripped out and the lock was picked disabling the alarm.My shoes, my travelling stuff (well sapa suruh put everything in the car kan)seme seme lah. I got in the car and didn't feel good like it's been 'raped'. ye lah somebody's been in my car and rummage through it sukahati makbapak dia. So had to get rid of it..oh wait they came back and stole it after I've fixed the damn door. That's how kejam people can be, but i believe ther's a reason for that to happen. Probbly it wasn't safe anymore..u take care.

11:53 PM  
Blogger marina said...

Broken 3 times in a year?? Hujan batu ke tenah??

Geram kan?? Geraaammmmmmm!!!!!!!

9:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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8:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a great story. Waiting for more. »

1:56 AM  

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