Friday, June 10, 2005

Nak ke? Tak nak?? Nak?? Tak nak??

I saw this pasted next to the lift in the hospital lift lobby, a couple of days ago.......

Kursus Perkahwinan Perdana



Sijil sah seumur hidup

Hmmmm.... nak pergi ke?

(pause) Maybe not laaa...

(pause lagi) Isskkk....tapi apa salahnya pergi kan? Sijil laku seumur hidup. Kalau nak kawin nanti, tak kira la bila kan, tak payah susah-susah nak daftar kursus.... Kan? Kan? Kan?

Tapi kalau pergi nanti sure orang tanya.... Dokter nak kahwin yek?? Bila?? Dengan siapa?? Ohhhh senyaappp je yekkk?? Isssshhhh...... tak kuasa nak menjawab. Skandal karang.

Ignore!! Ignore!!!

*Jalan laju-laju...*


Today..... saw it again. Found myself staring at the notice a little longer...

Nak pergi .... tak pergi?? Perlu ke pergi? Kalau pergi pun, bukan bermaksud kita nak kawin dalam masa terdekat ni kan? kan? kan? Tapi kamu tak nak kawen keee?? Isshhh.. my mum's voice is echoing in my brain again. Go away!! go awaaayyyy!!!

Kalau pergi pun, membantu ke? Nak kasi cukup syarat nak nikah je ni. Isn't marriage a lifelong course? Isshhhh..... talking to myself again.

Ignore!! Ignore!!! Ikut lift tang lain la. Maleh nak nengok notice ni.

*Jalan lagi laju... almost running*


On the way home today, ambik lift kat lobby belakang....

Ehhhhh...... ada jugaakkkk notice tu kat sini... macam telling me something je *musykil sungguh*. Adeeeeiiii perasannyaaaa...

Nak pergi tu boleh, tapi nak kawin dengan sapa? Tiang talipon??

*100 metre sprint....*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

dr, you really made me laugh. Go for it, you never know when the occasion will arise. It does not hurt to go and get educated.

9:11 PM  
Blogger marina said...

:P Malas la. I`m sure it takes more than a course to get educated about this stuff. I`d rather renew my driving license...

6:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

apanamani, macam scouts dok kata: be prepared. Ala lelap mata je amik the course, then after this bila jodoh mai, one thing is oredi taken cared of

3:47 AM  
Blogger Dade Ghost said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog.

On this subject, dont pressure yourself. Enough ppl pressuring u now. What u got to understand, is understanding and living with pressure..... ermmm.... hehehe... hope I make sense doc!

8:18 AM  
Blogger marina said...

Me tak masuk scout. Tu pasal la. Instead masuk Pandu Puteri... sampai laaaa ni masih hilang panduan hidup...

Errr... say what?? Sounds spooky laaaaa :P

8:42 PM  
Blogger Bustaman said...

Tepok dade tanye selere. Deme tanye kalu, jangan dijawab. Sengeh aje. Ate, nak nyibok pasai orang lain apa ke jadohnye.

10:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

best regards, nice info » » »

5:31 AM  
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1:17 PM  

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