The Misadventure of Yibbe
This post came late coz i just had so much work at hand.....
Yibbe`s fever was gone not long after i took him home. He ate his food and i felt relieved. But after a few minutes, he vomited. And vomited again... when i gave him the antibiotics. He refused to eat. On Tuesday when i came home, his vomit was all over the floor, the carpet, the bed.... i almost panicked. I packed him up, and off we went to the vets. They decided to admit him and give him intravenous fluids. If they hadn`t, i would have requested for it anyway.
More blood tests were done the next day. Unfortunately, i was stuck in the operation theatre and maxis reception was bad. After coming out from the OT, i received a voice message from the vet saying he suspected that Yibbe had contracted Parvovirus infection. I quickly looked it up in the internet (all wards and clinics in HUKM are equipped with internet facilities). Yibbe had all the symptoms and signs... fever, lethargy, loss of appetite, vomiting, low white cells count..... It is a lethal infection, which had killed many dogs and cats worldwide. Those pet owners out there especially with free-roaming pets, check this link Yibbe, along with Misha and Memeng have all been vaccinated. But they are still not 100% protected.
I scampered to the vet. Yibbe was a sorrowful sight. He was still dehydrated, and trembling all over. It is a painful disease. That`s why he`s shaking like that. Some could be so bad, we had to give sedatives. What are his chances of surviving it? . We don`t know. It`s up to his own body immunity. Sometimes they come in ok, but deteriorate within the next few days. My heart sank hearing those words from the vet. I felt sick in the stomach. Yibbe seemed oblivious of the surroundings. When i stroked his neck, he gave a pitiful meow.
I cried all the way home.....
Yibbe`s fever was gone not long after i took him home. He ate his food and i felt relieved. But after a few minutes, he vomited. And vomited again... when i gave him the antibiotics. He refused to eat. On Tuesday when i came home, his vomit was all over the floor, the carpet, the bed.... i almost panicked. I packed him up, and off we went to the vets. They decided to admit him and give him intravenous fluids. If they hadn`t, i would have requested for it anyway.
More blood tests were done the next day. Unfortunately, i was stuck in the operation theatre and maxis reception was bad. After coming out from the OT, i received a voice message from the vet saying he suspected that Yibbe had contracted Parvovirus infection. I quickly looked it up in the internet (all wards and clinics in HUKM are equipped with internet facilities). Yibbe had all the symptoms and signs... fever, lethargy, loss of appetite, vomiting, low white cells count..... It is a lethal infection, which had killed many dogs and cats worldwide. Those pet owners out there especially with free-roaming pets, check this link Yibbe, along with Misha and Memeng have all been vaccinated. But they are still not 100% protected.
I scampered to the vet. Yibbe was a sorrowful sight. He was still dehydrated, and trembling all over. It is a painful disease. That`s why he`s shaking like that. Some could be so bad, we had to give sedatives. What are his chances of surviving it? . We don`t know. It`s up to his own body immunity. Sometimes they come in ok, but deteriorate within the next few days. My heart sank hearing those words from the vet. I felt sick in the stomach. Yibbe seemed oblivious of the surroundings. When i stroked his neck, he gave a pitiful meow.
I cried all the way home.....
I prayed hard for Yibbe to recover. I even did solat hajat. To some of you, it may just be an animal. A remark given by one of my nurses.... Dokter ni buang duit je duk bela kucing. Dah tua nanti, bukannya dia boleh bela dokter. Baik kawin, dapat anak sendiri. Bila dah tua, ada la jugak tempat bergantung. I just smiled. Yeah, right.
I`ve seen so many 'children' dumping their parents at the hospital when they`ve decided their parents have become a burden to them. Masa depa sihat, hantar minta tolong jaga anak yang kecik-kecik tu. Cannot trust the maid la. Nursery too expensive la. Bila dah sakit macam tu, nak datang jenguk pun susah. Datang wad, jadi tourist. Lepas tu komen macam-macam kat nurses. Nak tukar pampers mak/ayah sendiri pun tak nak. Just this morning, the children of a lady who had a bad stroke, bed-ridden and all, just refused to take their mother home. They kept giving all sort of excuses.
The only place for me to bergantung, will be myself. I don`t want to be a burden to anyone. Not now, not when i am old. Not to my family. Not to my children... that is if i ever have any.
Sure. It is just a cat. But my cats are part of my life. They are like my kids, i guess, in some way. Few of them things in life that i cherish and love, unconditionally. Not many would understand this. But my cats are my therapy. They entertain me. They keep me company. Sure, they cannot talk. But their response to me, makes me feel i`m appreciated, i`m loved. Misha follows me till the stairs, sending me off to work everyday. Memeng always meow loudly from the verandah, welcoming me home. And Yibbe, poor Yibbe.
Sure. It is just a cat. But my cats are part of my life. They are like my kids, i guess, in some way. Few of them things in life that i cherish and love, unconditionally. Not many would understand this. But my cats are my therapy. They entertain me. They keep me company. Sure, they cannot talk. But their response to me, makes me feel i`m appreciated, i`m loved. Misha follows me till the stairs, sending me off to work everyday. Memeng always meow loudly from the verandah, welcoming me home. And Yibbe, poor Yibbe.
The next day when i visited him at the vets, he woke up and quickly came to me when i called his name. I felt so relieved, i almost cried. He was much stronger and kept pushing his nose between the bars of the cage. I stroked his fur and he meowed even louder. He was delighted to see me. He put out his paw several times, wanting me to take him home. I have never felt so loved by another God`s creature.
Yibbe is much better now. He is back home, back to his old self, busy chasing after the femme feline out there. He sleeps in my bed, along with Memeng and Misha, sharing the cooler air-conditioned bedroom. Life is back to normal again.
It does not take much to love someone, or something. Even a cat like Yibbe, can teach a thing or two, about love.
To Memeng, Misha and Yibbe.... mommy loves you.
P/S: And the computer`s screen pointer is NOT an insect. So please stop chasing it!!!
Yibbe is much better now. He is back home, back to his old self, busy chasing after the femme feline out there. He sleeps in my bed, along with Memeng and Misha, sharing the cooler air-conditioned bedroom. Life is back to normal again.
It does not take much to love someone, or something. Even a cat like Yibbe, can teach a thing or two, about love.
To Memeng, Misha and Yibbe.... mommy loves you.
P/S: And the computer`s screen pointer is NOT an insect. So please stop chasing it!!!