The Mishas...

Or Misha my pus?

Nope…. Neither...
I am sure many have read about Perkahwinan Misyar recently.
After the uproar on the statement of janda gatal by one of the MALE minister in the Parliament, came another slap in the face to us women. It is not surprising that it came from another MALE, and a Professor for that matter.
It is no doubt that men are created with certain characteristics. They are hunters in nature, love sports and competitions, work well with tools and gadgets, and like to think of themselves as problem solvers. Even when the wife just need someone to listen to her woes, men tend to offer solutions, answers… even without being asked.
So, when perkahwinan misyar was suggested as a solution to reduce the number of singles, divorcees, jandas and to prevent illegal sexual excapades, I felt amused. It is so typical of men to try to solve, without analyzing the root of the problem first.
I thought the janda gatal thingy was the joke of the year, but this one deserves a standing ovation plus an Oscar.
Just because the Arabs do it, is it applicable in Malaysia? Just because Arabs don turbans and burqas, must we too?
It is said to be practiced among the rich Arab women. Do they know how difficult it is to get married in the Arab world? The dowry itself does not only rob a man of all his wealth, but his dignity and sanity too. So, the reason there are many single women over there is just simple math.
What make them think that us single women with good careers and financial independence would be craving for sex? So much so that we allow ourselves to be used and manipulated that way?
Women are unlike men. We do not think of sex like every 7 seconds. Men without sex for 2 days, become fidgety. A week, they act as if they should be awarded the Olympic gold medal. A month or during the wife confinement, they declare Armageddon.
Just ask the jandas… do they miss the sex part? How do they go about for years without a man in their lives? Their answers I can bet you would be… nope, we don’t miss what we don’t have…. Or… it was never satisfying in the first place. But of course, the perkahwinan misyar was suggested by the XY species, enough said.
As cited in the Holy Quran, the women are given 9 parts of lusts and only one part brain, while the men, 9 parts brain and 1 part lust. After they place 1 part on their ding-a-ling, 2 on their balls, and another 2 on their kepala lutut, it is no wonder nothing much is left between the 2 ears. What is hollow, remains hollow. *Pun very much intended.
The perkahwinan misyar requires that both party agree that the men will not be responsible for anything else other than nafkah batin or sex. Is that some kind of pre-nuptial agreement or perjanjian taklik?
So, what else should I include in the agreement? That there must be a regular schedule for sex… say 3 times a week? Or whenever I feel horny? Must I include… the various positions desired? Must i put it in clause that the big O must be reached and multiple ones too? What if the guy is a 3 minute or worse, 1 minute slam-bam-thank you-maam kinda guy? Can I divorce him if he does not fulfill the criteria? Suing the poor SOB is out of the question, as he does not worth a penny from the very beginning.
What makes men think that they can satisfy the women? Do they think that each one of them are godsend to us women? Then why women have to fake the big O? Most guys walk the talk, and talk cock. That’s what they do. They brag. The more they boast on their sexual prowess, or conquest, the more insecurities they try to hide.
We have heard so many wives complaining and bitching about the poor bedroom performance of their spouses. Why do these women stay on? To give the hubbies face or to prevent ego-destruction? Ever wonder why people create SpongeBob? Or why on occasions, the shower head looks tempting? Or why one can never look at cucumbers and carrots the same ever again?
Is this so-called agreement a money back guarantee thing? Perhaps a free 30 days trial or your money back? Then we can advertise it on Smart Shop between the Abdomizer and the Magic Blender ads.
What if there are kids in the picture? Will the husbands cuci tangan as much as they have cuci telur? Is that the kind of male role model they wanna potray to the kids? There are enough gender and domestic roles confusion among kids nowadays. Just look at the increasing trend of lelaki lembut, PLU or pengkid or whatever they call it.
What makes people think this perkahwinan misyar can reduce adultery? Just because someone is married, infidelities still happen, misyar or not.
All it does is legalise sex. That's it.
Polygamy sounds very daunting to the women. Why not make it sound more innocent, more tolerable, friendlier? Let's call it perkahwinan misyar.. eehh???
Do men think that single career women are a bunch of desperados? Just because we choose to be successful, must we be punished and judged?
Whenever I tell people that I am single, I always get the same remarks… Tu la memilih sangaattt… Hello? Do you simply pick a rotten apple in the supermarket just because it is the only one left? And who squeeze the tomatoes till they look mutilated? What’s wrong with being choosy? Life is full of choices. Choosing to choose or not, is a choice by itself.
Men always gleefully point out the fact of higher ratio of women compared to men. But look at the men we have left.
We have so many Mats out there. Mat Motor, Mat Rempit, Mat Rock, Mat Jiwang, Mat Dadah, Mat Gian, Mat Sotong, Mat Nyah, Mat Metro… just to name a few. After the introduction of perkahwinan misyar, I would like to add a few more… Mat Gigolo and Mat Dayus.
And to all the men who are clapping their hands in response to this issue, have you lost your baaaallllllssss?
One of the reasons why successful women remain single is because men feel intimidated by these powerhouse ladies. No way are they gonna woo these women. Well, at least these guys still have their egos checked. Otherwise men, just drooped your wrist and say...... aaaauuuuwwwwwwww!!!!
Women are smarter now. They know what is best for them. Certain standards are set. They want equally smart men or better. Someone whom they can have intelligent conversation with. Someone who can lead. Not someone who can only perform sex… (IF they can actually perform that is), nor someone who does nothing but dangles his dick till his misyar’s wife do the mating call.
So my dear Professor, rather than suggesting an easy way out like perkahwinan misyar, why not figure out ways to improve the quality of men??
And my advice to you guys out there, BUCK UP!
There are already many cases of irresponsible men and husbands. We have heard complaints of men not giving nafkah to ex-wife and the kids. Many wives are left alone digantung tak bertali. Perkahwinan misyar sadly, legalise this too.
I am not the best person to talk about relationships. I never had one that I am proud of. But I do know a thing or two about life.
Marriage is not the answer to everything. I may be naïve, but I believe marriage is to make someone happier, to make life more fulfilling. If it goes the other way round, then work hard to save it. And if all fails, leave.
Life without a man, is ain't that bad.
Friendships can be destroyed by the uncalled sudden urge of sexual lusts. Relationships based on sex, never lasts. Perkahwinan misyar or marriage based on sex, is, i believe, a lost cause.
I have had a few relationships before, which almost ended up at the altar. But I found myself trapped in misery. I realised that i was less misearable on my own. I ended them and so far, I have no regrets.
Mistakes are meant to be learnt. Whenever you fall, bounce back, get back to your feet, stronger and tougher. It is the ABC of survival. Failures make one stronger and wiser.
Just because I am still single in my 30s, it is not the end of the road for me. Just because I do not have a child of my own, that does not make me any less a woman.
I am not trying to be smug here, nor be obnoxiously arrogant, nor am I a feminist. I am just giving my 2 cents worth. It is my humble opinion, and it comes from the heart.
Be it the holy matrimony as witnessed by heavens, perkahwinan misyar, or a night of sexual rendezvous under the sheets, if a guy is not worth it, he is JUST NOT WORTH IT.
I rest my case…
NB: Just for extra reading...