Boxing Day...
I never liked boxing. As much as I hated the WWF or any form of moronic brutality, ridiculously planned and staged barbaric form of physical abuse (did I just describe the WWF?). Look what happened to Mohamad Ali from all those punches… he developed Parkinson.
But I am not talking about that type of boxing, nor am I referring to that square thing you tear apart on Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries, special occasions, or during those desperate attempts to reconcile with your dearly beloved after comitting a major, major blunder, like when she discovered the hotel bills and room service bills *wink wink to Id*….. hehehehehe!.
Nope… not that one.
I am talking about something nice and soft. Something very light, that tingles your skin. Something that makes you feel secure, that protects your dignity. Something that clings to your body, hugging your flesh.
Something I just discovered, that I fell in love with.

Some people sleep in their undies, be it boxers, briefs or panties for the ladies. Some perefer pyjamas, shorts, or sexy lingerie.
It is said that the nightly uniform for Malaysian women would be the kaftan or what I like to call baju kelawar. Very airy, and cooling. It can also be used to seduce the guys especially if worn without the undergarments. Just flap the wings, expose some flesh especially that boobies area, and WALLA!!
I have a whole collection of kaftans… Malaysian made, Indonesian imported, winged ones, those with sleeves and without, batik prints, geometric prints etc. My cats are not seduced by them, except maybe Baby who likes to push her nose and sometimes paws between my bare, exposed armpit. I think she’s addicted to my smell.
Some wears the kain pelikat, or kain sarung batik.
But having a sister who lives with me, and sometimes sleep in the same room with me, kaftan is not such a good idea. I do my salsa during sleep. The pillows will be strewn everywhere. My cats already learnt how to duck. I almost suffocated Tamtam once. And the kaftan will also fly above, and beyond…. if you know what I mean.
Therefore I resort to t-shirts and shorts whenever she's around. And when I saw that Hush Puppies boxers on sale, I decided to buy two. I mean they look like shorts. And it wasn’t that embarrassing for a woman to buy boxers, compared to the skimpy briefs for men. I am sure people would be thinking I was buying them for my hubby.
They felt like shorts… and even better!!! I liked it so much, I bought another 5 to complete my whole collection for an entire week. So I have one each for Monday till Sundays, just like those panties embroidered with days of the week.
Now I can salsa all I want at night, and not worry.
On the other hand, despite the comforts of all that, i still love sleeping in my own skin anytime.... Au naturalle!!
Happy Boxing everyone!!