I have 6 cats now. Not three.... not four... but sixxxxxxxx!!!!
I have written about Tamtam in my previous post. I wanted to call him King Kong initially but my sister and i agreed with Tamtam. Yeah, like in 'yennadeeiiitambeeiii' kinda hitam.
He is full of mischief. Quite well built. Boroi because he eats a lot. Playing with him is a painful ordeal, as he bare out all of his claws, including from the toes. My hands and feet are always full of scratches whenever i play with him.
I have written about Tamtam in my previous post. I wanted to call him King Kong initially but my sister and i agreed with Tamtam. Yeah, like in 'yennadeeiiitambeeiii' kinda hitam.
He is full of mischief. Quite well built. Boroi because he eats a lot. Playing with him is a painful ordeal, as he bare out all of his claws, including from the toes. My hands and feet are always full of scratches whenever i play with him.
Mommy, mommy, can you see me? Can you? Can you? Can you???
Mommy... look! Look!! I found a new friend. It is as black as me...
Entah mimpi ape laaaa anak jantan sekor ni, sampai terjuih lidah dia...
Tamtam and Coco rummaging through my bags after my trip from Trengganu. Bau keropok gamaknyeee...