Starting April, I will be working under another Consultant, though SHE is just a visiting surgeon ( yeah, my department lacks testosterones). Another Junior Specialist, my senior though she ( yup, another femme fatale) is 1 year younger than me, is also in-charge whenever the Consultant is not around. We only have 2 days clinic, Monday and Wednesday and operation day is on Tuesday. Thursdays and Fridays are our free days. YESSSSSS!!!! There will not be many admissions, and no patients to see over the weekends. YESSS YESSSS!!!! ( jemu dan penat la every weekend kena datang hospital )
I took most of the Thursdays and Fridays off this month, to finish off my annual leave for this semester. Kalau tidak burn je. May will be a busy month as a major exam is on the way ( Major exams are held every May and November). There will be quite a number of trainees taking study leave with 2 weeks of exams. So there will be a shortage of doctors in all clinics for the whole of May and all leaves are suspended except study leave. Siapa lagi yang nak fill in… moi laaaa!!
I only have another 8 days to work this month, plus 2 weekend on-calls. This week, I only work on Monday. YAHOOOO!!!! I was supposed to be on-call this Saturday but swapped with my colleague. Ex-Boss is on-call this week. She noticed I am taking long leave and asked if I will be on-call with her this Saturday. I gleefully said I have swapped my call. Jahatnya kan? Tak baik buat macam tu kat cikgu. But doing call with her is a NIGHTMARE!! Dah la kes yang datang entah hape-hape. Teruk-teruk pulak tu. Patients yang kena jahit sampai 5 jam, yang kena korek bijik mata, semua tu datang masa dia on-call la tu.
Thought of going for a vacation, a getaway, nak release tension, stress, rasa siksa jiwa yang terpendam, sakit hati yang membuak-buak, macam volcanoe yang dah nak erupt ala Marinakatoa…
Unfortunately, I am penniless this month. Hutang credit card banyak lagi. On-call claims tak dapat-dapat lagi. Belum sampai tengah bulan, duit dalam bank tinggal RM30 je. Bila time ada duit, takde masa nak pi mana-mana. Bila ada banyak masa ni, takde duit la pulak.
So, last-last setakat pi KLCC tengok movie je la. I watched GUBRA.
There were not many people in the cinema, perhaps less than 20. Most were couples, yang lone ranger macam me pun ada gak a few. I wonder if they also have a zero love life like mine.
I sat in the row second last from behind, right smack in the middle. My favourite spot. A Malay couple sat next to me. The girl kept giggling. Menyampahnya aku, tapi dalam hati je la.
Then, suddenly a guy sat next to me. He was alone. Agaknya, gf dia pi toilet kut. I was minding my own business. Then …
Him: Hi…
Me: Errr… (Are you talking to me?? Are you talking toooo meeee??? Macam cerita Godfather tu) hi…
Him: Sorang je ke? (Hensem gak mamat ni… although cinema tu gelap, still nampak lagi)
Me: Ha ah. Kenapa? (Ada ke tanya kenapa? Stupid dam dam betul laaaa. Lantak pi la mamat hensem nak tanya)
Him: Saya pun sorang gak.
Me: (Yabedabeddduuuuu!!!!!) Oh… (kontroollllll)
Him: You selalu tengok wayang sorang ke? Tak dating dengan boyfriend ke? Dengan kawan-kawan ke?
Me: Ha ah. Sorang je. Boyfriend takde. Kawan-kawan lain busy.
Him: I see…( Entah apa yang dia nampak, cinema tu gelap laaa)
Me: How about you? ( Cewah… memberanikan diri. Doctors are supposed to be inquisitive kan?)
Him: No gf. Broke up a long time ago. ( Yabedabeddduuuuuu lagi!! ) Malas dah nak cari baru. (Errrrkkkk…)
Me: Oh gitu ( Dengan nada kuciwa)
Him: But you’ll never know kan. Kut-kut terbuka hati pulak kat orang lain.
Me: (tersengih).. That’s true. Jodoh di tangan Tuhan.
Him: Betul tu. So, what’s your story?
Me: Nothing much to tell. Broke up with someone recently too.
Him: I guess we are in the same boat.
Me: Yeah, now in the same cinema, watching the same movie too.
Him: Hehehe… true…true.
Me: (Uishhh… am I flirting with him??) So, u like mushy film like GUBRA?
Him: Yeah, salah ke?
Me: (Uyyooooo… sensitive guy… me like!!) Eh tak la salah. But most guys jarang nak tengok movies macam ni, unless kena paksa dengan gf dia. Pastu midway, dah tidur.
Him: Well, I am not like most guys I guess…
Me: I guess so…
Him: By the way, my name is ***. Salam perkenalan.
Me: My name is ****. Nice meeting you too.
Him: You’re from KL?
Me: I work here. I am from Perak.
Him: Cool! I am from Perak too! (Yahooo!!! Kalau raya tak payah gaduh nak balik kg mana satu…. Eh eh… jauhnya angan-angan!!)
Me: May I know what you do? If you don’t mind. ( Nampak macam educated. Dressing pun boleh tahan smart gak)
Him: I’m a software engineer. ( Huyyoooo!!!!) How about you?
Me: I’m a medical doctor.
Him: That’s cool!! (Apasal la org selalu teruja sangat bila dapat kenal dengan dokter? Best sangat ke kerja dokter ni?)
Me: It’s ok. Tak la fantastic sangat.
Him: I have always wanted to become a doctor. Tapi takut darah, so cancel… hehehehe…
Me: Hehehehehe (Gelak gedik)… mula-mula je. Alah bisa, tegal biasa.
Him: Boleh tanya umur you berapa tak?
Me: I will be 33 this October. You?
Him: I am 31. Tak kisah kan younger guys?
Me: Kisah apa pulak?
Him: Ye la, kalau bf you younger. You tak kisah kan?
Me: Bila masa pulak you jadi my bf? ( Mula dah tunjuk cengeng… tapi ala-ala manja gituuu )
Him: Hehehehe…. Mana la tahu. Kenapa… tak sudi ke?
Me: (senyum penuh makna)….
Him: So, may I get to know you better??
Me: ( Dalam hati…. YABBEDABEDDDUUUUUUU!!!!!!)
Yeaahhhh??? As if????
Maaf ye. Kat atas tu cuma angan-angan saya sahaja. Never took place. Tiada kaitan dengan yang hidup atau yang mati. Biasa la, I am a daydreamer. I only wish it is as easy as that to find good decent guys.

I liked SEPET. But I loved GUBRA, though the heroine acted too childish at times. Tak appropriate for someone yang dah kahwin. The story is simple, yet meaningful. And for those who might have experienced what the characters went through, they could emphatise and understand the sadness, the pain, the conflict, the longings, the love and the hatred.
Why do we hurt the most, the people we love the most? (taken from Gubra)
In the end, air mata ini menitik lagi.
hmph. boleh tahan angan-angan. adeh, melecet gusi ketawa!
tolong, doktor!
wow! you're good. nearly 'terpedaya' there....thought it was real. hehehe
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