Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Remember that gory movie Seven acted by Bradd Pitt... where he was a cop and had to track down a serial killer? And in the end the killer killed his wife and left her head in a box and delivered it to him?

Nope... this has nothing to do with that!

I have been tagged!!!! After more than a year blogging, this is the first time ever that i was tagged!! Thanks to Id... a fellow blogger *wide grin*

7 things to do before I die

1. Perform Hajj
2. Buy a house... with half wooden, half brick walls, terracota porch and koi pond.
3. See other parts of the world... like Europe
4. Pay all my debts…. I managed to cut down my credit cards from 5 to 2… yippe!!
5. Learn how to swim... too shy to wear swimsuit, how??

6. Salji… nak tengok, nak genggam salji, pastu buat ais kepal… letak sirap and susu, pastu ssslluurrrppppp… pastu nak baling kat orang (no Bukit Cerakah won’t do)
7. Have a child

7 things I cannot and will NOT do....

1. Hurt Mak and Abah
2. Menyusahkan orang lain
3. Not be a doctor
4. Berhutang sana-sini
5. Yell at people
6. Mope around in self-pity
7. Pose naked in Playboy magazine… teehehehe..

7 things that attract me to the opposite sex...

1. Intelligence
2. Sense of humour… but not that Senario kind of humour la
3. Good personality
4. Responsible and respectful... of himself and others around him
5. Adventurous… and I am not just referring to the outdoors *wink wink*
6. Humble…. After all, kita semua asal dari kampung kan? I prefer those whom no matter how high their position in the corporate ladder, or how much euros they are making, still love tempoyak and sambal belacan..
7. Nice body... for me to hug.. *sheepish smile*

7 things I can't stand in others

1. Ketiak masam…. A TOTAL turn-off!
2. Ciggerette smoke… nicotine drives me nuts
3. Pengotor… eewwwww!!! * if you wanna know whether a person is pengotor or not, have a visit to their bathrooms and toilets.. Kalau bersih, then orang tu pembersih…*
4. Hypocrites… No.. bukan sepupu Hippocrates tu…Yang sickeningly sweet depan you, yet back-stab you from behind eenggg…enggg…engggg (sound-effect dari thriller cerita Psycho)
5. People who don’t flush!! These people should be banned from public toilets!!
6. Pandai bermulut manis / gives sugary talks…. Mulut kata I love you, tapi showed I don’t give a damn attitude!
7. Show-off!.... yang eksyen entah hape-hape. Suka puji diri sendiri, takbur, lepas tu memperlekehkan orng lain… eeiii.. benci benciiii!!!

7 things I say more often than others..

1. Thanks…
2. Huh?
3. Oohh.. ye ke?
4. Astaga…
5. Ek eleehhh…
6. Cehhh…
7. Alhamdulillah…

7 celebrities I have/had crushes on

1. Michael J foxx. … masa zaman Family Ties… told you I love guys with sense of humour
2. Rano Karno… masa zaman kegemilangan cite Indonesia kat tv
3. Johnny Depp… sejak zaman 21 jump street lagi tauuuu…
4. Bradd Pitt…. *Drrroolllll…*

5. Keanu Reeves… dalam cite Speed and Matrix je
6. Mamat dalam cite Smallville tu… apa namanya ekk?

Dan banyak lagi la… mana cukup 7 je…

Do i have to tag 7 more people? Dunno la nak tag sape. Not many people read my blog. Well, whoever nak tag him/herself... you are most welcome to do so.



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