A not-so-merry Christmas...

I have been a bad person.
My friend H’s father, had a myocardial infarction. His second, and developed another whilst in the ward. He had a 50-50 chance. If it was not because his son is the Specialist in the A&E Department where he was admitted, and 2 daughters whom are both medical doctors, his chances would be slimmer. With 3 of them around, everything was done fast… extra fast, to the hospital’s standard of course. He is better now after the angiogram and the stenting.
We do have one of the best medical facilities in South East Asia. But we are no ER or Chicago Hope. There is still much room for improvements… much, much more.
H was supposed to be on-call, but I swapped with her at the last minute. I didn’t think she would be in the correct mind to work what with her father so near at death’s door. What are friend’s for? Hence, my second evisceration.
Last night, H was on-call again. She is also a new registrar like me. We have promised each other to help out in case of difficulties. But I failed her last night.
She called me at 10.45pm. I didn’t hear the phone which was in my bag. I am a heavy sleeper. Could sleep like a log. Whenever I am on-call, I usually put the pager or phone right next to me. So that I won’t miss any beep or ring.
H had to SOS S, a more senior registrar. He is the kindest, most gentleman, helpful person I have ever met. I would have married him any day, without the usual hullabaloos. Unfortunately someone already beat me to it.
I felt bad. Smsed H but she still hadn't return my sms. Probably sleeping since the operation was done at the wee hours, from 3am till 6am.
I have always been a loner. Even at school, when girls walk around in groups, I would be alone minding my own business.
I don’t have many friends. Many were lost especially once they got married. Those I can count on are just a handful, including H. After tonight, perhaps the list is even shorter.
I guess no Christmas presents for me this year…