Monday, December 05, 2005

Yibbe the hensem eunuch...

Today i bought nasi beriyani with honey chicken for break fast. Yibbe ate the left over rice. I found out that he has a penchant for curry and spicy food. First, he licked my fingers. Then he kept nudging the styrofoam filled with rice and honey chicken gravy. I let him have a little. Banyak sangat nanti cirit pulak anak jantan sekor ni.
Then, i closed the box and refused to let him have more. I think he got angry and peed on my lap. Yibbe sprayed on my lap with his clean shaven nuts (post castration... uish sounds like Emperor of China punya eunuch pulak... i mean post vasectomy).
Talking about vasectomy... why is it ok for women tu have tubal ligation in order not to have anymore children, whilst it is sssooooooo not ok for a man to have a vasectomy? It is the best form of contraception compared to other methods like coitus interruptus.
Dah la yang pompuan teruk kena bawak anak 9 bulan, nak bersalin rasa macam nak mati, nak contraception pun pompuan gak yang kena korban. Bila suruh makan pil, berat badan naik, dah tak solid, laki jugak pi cari pompuan lain. Bila pakai intrauterine device, ada risk of infection, pastu pompuan kena seluk lagi sekali, malu laaaaa. Pastu kalau nak buat tubal ligation, pompuan kena endure major operation. Padahal vasectomy tu external je.
Reason?? Lelaki tak nak vasectomy because even if he had completed his family, mana la tahu kut tergatal nak cari pompuan lain, then he is still capable of reproduction, and menabur benih-benih ke tanah yang subur.
Whaddaya think??


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