Monday, November 28, 2005

The Desperate House-not-yet-a-Wife...

Been a while since I last blogged. Streamyx is back!! The modem was out of order. I told them that, but they kept saying the cable line was faulty.

I had been on leave since Saturday till this Wednesday. On leave as in, no need to do rounds over the weekend. And no scrutinizing people's eyeballs!!

The house is spick and span. I just lurveee the smell of soaps, bleach and detergents.
I managed to revamp the whole wardrobe. Kept all the ones I don’t wear anymore in storage boxes (dah tak muat... uwaaaaa!!!! Bila la nak start diet ni???). Buying a closet is just out of the question. Berat nak angkat bila pindah nanti, and takes so much space in my little apartment.
Let’s see, what else have I done…

- cleaned house
- washed windows
- washed fans – ceiling and table fans
- reorganized the storeroom
- reorganized stuff in my storage boxes, I have 10 in all sizes
- revamped clothes… winter fashion is out, summer line is in
- ironed semua baju yang ada, yang perlu di iron
- revamped shoes collection… hmmm need new ones for work laaa
- washed cushion covers, curtains, bedsheets and apa-apa lagi yang boleh dibasuh
- tidied my books, gave those I don’t need to my juniors for their exams
- re-arrange my notes, documents, files
- tidied my drawers in my room at the department
- overhauled the aircond… cost me rm200… chemical wash and all
- went to the bank, settled all credit card debts…. Dah nanoooooo Yippe!!!
- oh yeah, pestered Telekom to fix the streamyx
- paid all bills, including maintenance for the apartment till April 2006
- isi minyak kereta… now dah full tank
- spayed Yibbe…. Yeah, Yibbe dah kena sunat
- pulangkan buku library and the one loaned by the bookstore

- on Sunday, went shopping and bought some lingerieeee…. Alaaa just bras and spender. I now have 30 seluar kecik, and 15 baju kecik. Cukup stok sebulan. Mana la tahu kut takde air ke, washing machine buat hal ke… Yang peliknya, i found that i have bras of different sizes. Different brands, different cutting kut. Pastu time hormon menggelodak, water retention, PMS, menggemuk sbb makan byk due to stress eg. exam, size became bigger... Kena dieetttt!!!!!

- hantar printer/copier/scanner untuk service, then fix the other printer yang kat rumah ni

Apa lagi yek? Hmmm… lebih kurang tu la. Accomplished all that in 3 days.

Bukan apa, starting Dec 5th, I’ll be posted under a Consultant yang paling digeruni in the whole department. Even those who are now Specialists, after graduating so many years ago, still fear her. It’ll be work, work, work and more work. No time to think about other stuff.
After surviving the exams, now masuk team dia pulak. Macam keluar dari mulut buaya, masuk mulut rimau. It’s not like I’ve never worked with her before, but never as a Registar, or a senior most medical officer in the team. So more responsibilities, and noooooo screw ups. Teruk la kena dera for the next 4 months. Doing Registrar calls pun menakutkan. Kena banyak baca yassin and solat hajat nampaknya.

So, I am desperately trying to settle stuffs as much as I can before Doomsday.... eerrrkkkk!!!!.
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