Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Have you ever heard of Pavlov theory? Of "conditioned reflex"? A dog salivates whenever it hears a bell which is associated with the presence of food, even when there is no food.

I have been "conditioned" too.

Whenever a guy hurt my feelings, i will just shun him away. Shut him out. Without questions, without mercy. Some people call it cruel, some call it too clinical, some call it unfair. I call it 'cold turkey'. Yes, just like the drug addicts. Just like when you click that ignore or delete button. Take a step back, reflect, then move on. The scar won't be too deep.
Because whenever i get hurt, whenever i become gullible and be at my most fragile self, the ending has never been good on my side. The repercussion difficult to fathom. The effects, cling to me far too long. It is like cancer, slowly eating me from within.
But it is never as simple as that, is it?
Avoid! Avoid! Avoid!
Why dive into troubled waters?
Someone said, i do not appreciate what i already have, instead concentrating too much on things i don't. Maybe that person is right. Why dwell on relationships, when it was doomed from the very beginning or there never had been one in the first place? Why make a fuss with a so-called friend, when that person treats you like just an entity in cyberspace?

In pavlov theory, he stimulated the dog many times in order to condition it.

I was hurt, many times, far too many.

I think i just heard the bell ringing again...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a great story. Waiting for more. »

2:10 PM  

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