Thursday, October 27, 2005


Yibbe is having conjunctivitis. First the right eye, now both.

He probably contracted it from the cats outside. Everyday i have to wrestle with him to instill the eye ointment. Sometimes he just know when he sees the cotton tip or the ointment tube. He even refused to have his eyes cleaned.

I remember when he was down with Parvovirus. I was chasing him everywhere and he kept vomiting out his meds.

Baby likes to play with Yibbe. Now she too has conjunctivitis in the right eye. But since she is still small, it is easy for me to apply the ointment.

Memeng is the easiest to give meds. Even at the vet, she was the most well behaved.

Baby will need deworming, vaccination and later BTL. If not, i might have grandbabies soon enough.

Not easy to be a single mommy... adeehhh!!!
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