Sunday, October 16, 2005

Malaysian motorists...

Yesterday, I was cruising with my sister at the North-South Plus highway, back to Mak and Abah.

On the way, I observed the way motorists behave on the Malaysian road. Terrible, horrendous, ugly, impatience, rude. No wonder, it claimed so many lives.

Express busses going at the speed of 110km/hour…..

Lorries overtaking each other recklessly. Ada sampai kereta from the opposite lane terpaksa ke tepi and actually stopped sebab takut bertembung dengan lori tu.

Cars zigzagging, overtaking others, kalah Formula One.

Motorcyclist yang dah la slow, bawak tengah-tengah jalan. Kita nak potong pun payah. Pastu kaki terkangkang. Oiittt nak anginkan your a*u tu keerrrrrr??? Rasa nak ram je kepala lutut depa.

Kereta yang bawak slow, tapi kat fast lane. Oiiittt cik adik, baru dapat lessen P ke (rupa-rupanya memang pun).

Kalau hari-hari macam ni, memang boleh dapat hypertension, tak payah makan garam lebih.
Points to ponder:
Kalau nampak kereta buruk plet starts with AB or WB or yang huruf dia 2 je (plet zaman Tok Nobin) = Pak aji with cataract. You do not want to tailgate them. Their cars are solid, British made. Timpa kelapa pun boleh melantun balik. Far superior compared to our tin can locally produced cars. Overtake ASAP.
Kalau nampak kereta Proton yang dah recon, yang ada double exhaust pipe with sound macam kereta lumba tu + a young guy with a cap on, you would want to avoid this people too. They are the die-hards of malaysian motorist. Yup, they die.... hard.
Kalau nampak kereta mahal, Hondas, CRV, MPVs with a young yuppie driving it, avoid them too. Tak payah la nak overtake. They are the snobbish, road bullies.
Kalau nampak lorries, esp. yang kontena or lori panjang.... avvoiiidddd, avoiiiddd!!! Especially to drivers of Kancils and other cars that fall into the midget category. Kalau nak mati cepat, try la overtake these gigantic bulldozers on tyres. They have this Bernoulli effect around them, you can get sucked. I am one who is still alive to tell the tale.
Kalau nampak kereta yang jam packed with budak kecik yang tak diam mcm ulat ta*k, you also would like to avoid them as the driver usually tak boleh concentrate with all the commotion at the back. Or worse, the child might jump suddenly to the front and land on the steering wheel, the gear or the driver!
Kalau nampak kereta with lesen P, overtake je la. They are known to change lanes tiba-tiba, tak kasi signal, drive slow in a fast lane, tak sure nak turn ke tak, nak masuk junction tu ke tak, etc (macam i dulu masa mula-mula drive kekekekek...)
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