Monday, October 10, 2005

Dugaan di bulan puasa...

I think the bad karma is still loitering around me. First the break-up, then the bad flu… previously my car windscreen broke, then yesterday was my car front light. Kena mandi bunga la macam niiiiiii!!!

My call yesterday was not too bad. Actually, one of my good ones. Did all my ward work from 8.30 till 12.30. Then linger around ward. Around 2pm, came a little girl with corneal abrasion. Mak dia lembiknyaaaaa, nak pegang anak pun payah. Last-last I have to call the father, baru la budak tu nak diam sikit. Ni jenis mak yang tak pernah marah anak kut. Pukul 3 baru settle.

Then went home, masak, did some household chores, then slept. Tak tahu la kenapa mengantuk sangat. Mentang-mentang la tak pose. Haaaaa jangan fikir yang bukan-bukan. Uzur tauuu… Woke up at 10, tetiba je ada cerita Smallville season baru. Bestnya! Then ada cerita sitcom ape entah. Then dah pukul 12 and I felt too lazy to drive back to the hospital. So, I decided, I will only go back if there is any emergency or case to review. 8 more hours to go before my call finishes. So, I slept with Baby (the new kitten) playing with my hair, jumping and clawing me, I was too sleepy to even bother.

Tahu-tahu bangun dah pukul 5.30am. Terus tengok pager, takut kalau-kalau I missed any page. Alhamdulillah, takde. Handphone pun takde missed calls. Terus mandi and siap-siap nak pi kerja. Before that, cleaned the litter first then fed the cats.

As I was walking towards the car, nampak kaca bersepah.

Uisshhh amende pulak laaa yang pecah ni.


Rupanya lampu signal depan kereta pecah!

And as usual, the culprit dah hilang la. Tensionnyaaaaaaa! Hari tu cermin depan… habis melayang RM360, ini entah berapa pulak. Adeeeiii.. baru je nak panggil orang repair air-cond. Duit lagiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii….

Masa tu rasa berasap, sikit lagi dah nak tukar kaler hijau macam Incredible Hulk tapi tak boleh la koyak-koyak baju, me pompuan kena la censored sikit kan. Dah la nak operate orang pagi ni, dalam keadaan kekusutan, ketensionan, keterkejutan….

Adoiiii dugaan di bulan puasa…..


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