Sunday, October 16, 2005

Home is where i become Peter Pan...

Cruising together,
Down miles and miles yonder,
To the place where I grew up in.

Memories near and distant,
Familiar faces in an instant,
Felt like I am a child again…
I am typing this from the comfort of my parents' house.

We moved here when I was seven. The place was a cowboy town, with lots of rubber plantations. It started to grow when TLDM was opened in Lumut. Back then, marrying the naval officers was the in-thing. But yang memalukan, you could find them naval officers getting’ drunk, having brawls at the pubs, over some chicks. Yup, most of them are malays. I mean berapa kerat sangat la non-malays yang nak masuk tentera ni kan? Gaji kecik. Lagi bagus bukak bisnes, join the corporate world and lead a yuppy, kiasu life, yes?

After 2 decades, the place has changed a lot. Parking dah kena bayar. Dah ada Kamdar. Dulu ada KFC je. Now ada Pizza hut delivery. Shopping complex dah banyak. Schools dah banyak. Taman perumahan dah melaut luasnya. Jalan dah 4 lanes. Dulu ada satu junction je with traffic light at the center of the town. Now, kejap-kejap jumpa traffic light. The town never failed to amaze me whenever I come back home with its vast changes. I kept getting lost.

And Mak and Abah are getting old. Alhamdulillah, they are still healthy. I plan to work here after graduation. Get my own place, but still not too far away from them. Whenever I am with my parents, I felt so at ease. I felt secure. There are no worries in this world. I felt like a child, all over again, like the first time we came here. I felt like I have never grown up, and I do not have to.

It felt so good to be home…
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