Friday, November 04, 2005

Hari Raya...

Raya was ok. As usual Mak was busy cooking. She made rendang pedas ayam ala Perak, rendang dinding, kuah kacang. Biskut raya beli je. We also tempah ketupat daun palas, and boiled ketupat nasi and nasi impit. Me tolong kupas bawang (sampai menangis tak berlagu), halia etc, ramas kacang, kacau rendang. Sambil kacau, sambil meratah... kakakakaka.
The house needed few touch-ups here and there aje. Nino, Abah's cat asyik eye my bag. Nak spray la tu. Dia pantang tengok beg, or plastic bag, siap laaaa. Hmmmm... miss my cats. Entah ape la depa buat kat rumah tu, esp. Baby. Balik nanti sure macam tongkang pecah.
Pagi raya, mak and abah pi solat raya, while sis and i siapkan apa yang patut. Since Abah was coughing, i volunteered to drive the car to grammies and rumah Mak We (oiittt bukan girlfriend tau, my dad's sister yg paling tua, so panggil Mak we. We as in tueee.. geddit? geddit?? But i can never call her late husband what he should be called. Geli geleman teman weeehhhh!!!)
It was not such a bright idea. Halfway thru, my mum tiba-tiba...
Eh, dah tutup ke api kat dapur tadi? Mak ada panaskan kari.
Aiyoooo.... patah balik pi check. Pastu mak and abah duk bicker dalam kereta. Tadi baruuuu je bersalaman. Mak ni dah menopause, teramatlah sensitifnya. Abah pun dah andropause agaknye.
At my hometown, memang la banyak speed trap. And most areas, speed limitnya 60 je. Adoiiii rasa macam penyu bertelur, slow ya amat. Dah la i ada a live speedometer sitting next to me.
Haaa... kat sini tak boleh bawak laju. Ada speed trap.
Ok Bah.
Haaaaa... kasi signal.
Ye Bah.
Jangan laju sangat, kena speed trap karang.
Ok Bah.
Bawak pelan-pelan siket. Kat sini jalan dia tak rata, sempit. Nanti rosak shock absorber tu.
Ye Abah.
Adeeeiii.... Imagine la when he first taught me driving. One lesson je, then i terus pi kelas memandu.
So, pagi ni dah nak balik KL. Kalau balik weekend, takut jem. Besides my cats dah 3 hari kena tinggal. Dah la kena flu belaka hari tu. Hope they are ok. Siap solat hajat, doakan kesejahteraan kucing-kucingku.
Even though it is nice to be back to the place where i grew up, i still miss my own house, my bed, my pillows, my fridge, my bathroom, my computer, my streamyx.... It is not the same as having your own bachelor pad. Can walk around naked, siapa nak peduli kan? Hehehehe... ishhh habis pahala puasa sebulan.
Hope i'll have a good journey ahead. Taaaa!!
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