Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Kassim Selamat...

Today, I korek bijik mata orang. No, not Kassim Selamat style. But korek… as in korek. Literary.

It is called… evisceration.

One remove the content of the eyeball, but leaving the scleral coat (that white part of the eye) intact. So, the eye tu tak la kemek sangat. Korek using a spoon.
The patient had panophthalmitis. Siapa yang rajin tu, pi la cari meaning dia. In layman term, the eyeball was infected and could not be saved anymore. Kira macam orang kencing manis kaki dah gangrene la, kena amputate. Haaa... something like that.

It was gross, disgusting. The eyeball kept bleeding. There was so much pus inside, some of it had consolidated. The anaesthetist who gave gas tu pun tak lalu nak tengok. But to me, it was fun and I was having a ball (no pun intended). Kekekekeke…. Eh... Kijam kah daku?? Tapi memang la sympathize kat patient tu kan. And it is something i have to learn to do in my line of work.
My boss let me do the procedure all by myself, but she was watching like a hawk. Berpeluh la jugak ketiak. Just imagine, pukul 6.30 pagi dah sampai hospital. Baca buku dulu. Pukul 7 buat round. Pukul 8 masuk dewan bedah. We had 7 cases today. My evisceration was the last one. Pukul 7 malam baru habis. Bukannya boleh duduk, sepanjang hari on my feet. Adooiiii... varicose vein la macam ni.

Ala kasiimmmm....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool blog, interesting information... Keep it UP » »

9:23 AM  

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