Sunday, August 07, 2005

There goes the weekend...

What I did yesterday:

Woke up late because I was so exhausted the night before..

Mandi, breakfast

Went to my lecturer’s house for weekly tutorial

Came back around 1pm, had lunch

Dunno what I did after that… oh yeah, called him up.

Slept for 4 hours

Woke up not knowing whether it was morning or night… ( the same feeling when you sleep during fasting month after asar… when you wake up and it is all dark, you’ll wonder… eh dah maghrib ke? Or… eh dah subuh ke?? Alaaammaaakkkk tak berbuka lagi neeeiii… )

Pi dinner pulak….

Tengok Malaysian Idol…. Pastu tido balik

Woke up at 2 am… went wee wee…. Then tido balik…

Had nightmares again…. This time I became a half-alien… got infected by some virus and I had molds( macam cendawan cina) growing from my mouth yyuurrrgghhhhh…

What I did today..

Tu la kononnya nak kemas rumah semalam… so had to do it today

Sapu, mop, vacuum, cuci kipas siling…

Basuh bilik air

Cuci toilet kitties

Cooked lunch

Laundry, iron baju..

Cuci peti ais

Sent kitties for vaccine booster
Semua dah makin berat. Memeng from 4.5kg, now dah 5.7kg. Adooiiii..... seberat seguni beras I tell you. Patut la semput angkat dia turun naik tangga apartment. Misha from 3.3kg now dah 3.7kg. Yibbe after sakit kena Parvovirus hari tu, remain at 4kg. Before he started to ‘mengurat’ femme fatale outside, he was 4.5kg. Semua dah dewormed and kena cuci telinga. Ubat kutu I kena sembur sendiri kat rumah. Kopak RM123.

Orang lain ada anak, I have these 3 cats pun ok la. Keep me entertained.

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