Saturday, September 10, 2005

Geliga kucing...

First, a mommy cat gave birth to 5 kitties, 4 died. Tinggal satu. They always come over to my house for food. Sometimes, even lepaking in my house because my neighbour's kids jahat-jahat. Suka kejar and buli kucing-kucing tu (my sis rescued Yibbe from these kids. They were suffocating the poor cat in a tupperware!!).
I don't know why some kids are so ruthless. Mak bapak depa tak ajar ke sifat sayang pada makhluk Tuhan? Agaknya mak bapak depa pun main sepak je kalau ada kucing lalu depan depa.
Anyway, as you know, all my cats were strays that my sis picked up tepi jalan. So, recently we had another addition to our household. Yang ni jumpa tengah-tengah tangga. Nasib baik tak kena pijak. Kecik lagi..... baru nak teething. Biasa la I memang melt kalau tengok kittens ni.
So now, the kitten is happily playing around the house, even though Memeng and Misha kept hissing and pelangkung the kitty whenever it comes near them. We have not given the kitty a name yet. Dunno jantina dia lagi. Haven't checked the bon bon yet. But i have a feeling it is a male. Maybe nak kasi nama Ciki, or Naruto or Shinchan, kalau betina Cumi atau Nita macam Malaysian Idol tu. Ok tak? Kekekeke..
This morning, jumpa pulak a cat yang dah besar sikit, maybe couple of months old. Kurus kedengking. Ni mesti ada orang buang. Kesiannyaaaa.... soooo kurus and dehydrated. So i put a bowl of water, and dia minum and minum and minum. The cat looks so sick. I think it is dying. Same thing when we rescued Memeng dulu. But I think with enough tender loving care, the cat will survive. But i have too many already. Isskkkk... macam mana ni? Tapi bila tengok kucing tu, sayu rasa hati (at this very moment, Ciki/Cumi is playing at my feet). I hope it doesn't die in front of my house. Tak sampai hatinyaaaa....
My father loves cats. Cats always follow him around. Kalau pi makan kat gerai pun mesti ada kucing datang. According to Mak "Abah kome tu ada geliga kucin..." So, he attracts cats wherever he goes.
I think he has passed on that geliga to me... adeehhhh..


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