Thursday, September 08, 2005

Baby Cats

I am not really good with kids. I do not have much patience. I could not stand a baby’s cry. I could not tolerate a toddler’s tantrum

I could never comprehend why parents bring their a couple months old baby to crowded shopping centres. Nak show off ke? Hey, we made him… that’s our doings. I mean, that baby is too small to comprehend anything at that age anyway. Pastu dengan beg besar isi diapers la, botol susu, air masak dan entah hape-hape lagi. Tu belum talk about all the infections the baby is exposed to at a public place like that.

Today, I saw this kid with panhypopituitarism secondary to corpus collosum agenesis with epilepsy and global developmental delay. Yeah, it is as bad as it sounds. I hope God will not test me with that kind of ordeal. I pity her mother. Tough lady she is.

Examining a child can be difficult and tricky. Examining a mentally challenged kid is a challenge on its own. I was kicked at, my glasses almost fell off my face, I was spat at, but noooooooo… give up I shall not. It is my responsibility. In the end, I managed to examine her. After a bit of crying, everything ended well, and the child and I waved bye-bye.

I still don’t know if I want a child, with or without a father.

I think I am happier with felines…
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