Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The Odd Couple..

I had a blast last night with my friends at work... single friends (will blog about it some other time). But what was peculiar, the conversation i had with my sister....

As I was browsing in Times KLCC..

Sis: Hello... balik makan tak? E*** masak ni. ( Sebab tu my groceries list panjang, apart from the 3 cats, i have another mouth to feed at home)

Me: Tak balik makan malam ni. Makan kat luar.

Sis: Kat mana tu?

Me: Kat KLCC.

Sis: Makan dengan siapa?

Me: Dengan member kat tempat keje la.

Sis: Laki ke pom?

Me: Pom laaaaaaaa...

Sis: Balik pukul berapa ni?

Me: Lambat sikit, karang maybe nak tengok movie.

Sis: Dah tu food banyak ni?

Me: Ala.... kalau lebih simpan la, boleh makan esok...


This morning as i was about to leave the house (i have a discussion session with my exam-goer friends)..

Sis: Hari ni kerja ke?

Me: Ada discussion kat hospital.

Sis: Balik lunch tak?

Me: Tak tahu lagi, tapi masak je la..

Oh maannnnn... i think we sound like a couple.... eerrkkk!!!!
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