Thursday, August 11, 2005


I thought I’ll be busy preparing for my presentation tomorrow. Instead I became busy rescuing someone.

Around 3pm today…

Hello… helloooo!!! ( a rather frantic voice…. Macam ku kenal suara itu)


Kakyunggg…. Kakyunggg…. E*** kat KLCC neeiii..

Huh?? So?? Awat??

Purse hilaaannggg…. Tengok-tengok kat dalam beg dah hilang…. Uwaaaaa!!! Cam mana neeiii…

(Adeeiii… budak sekoq ni… menyusahkan tul laaa)

Laaa… cam mana boleh careless sangat ni?? Pi dating ke? Tu la angau!! Mana pi kengkawan lain? Sorang aje ke tu?

Mana adeeeee…. Member semua dah balik. Kena cancel ATM card neeiii!!! Ada 3 card. Pastu credit handphone ni dah nak habisssss… Kakyung nak mai ambik ke??

(Manyak cantik… orang tengah keje ni. Ingat superman ke nak pi terbang sana)

Nanti la kakyung cancelkan. Lepas kerja kakyung pi ambik. Tunggu depan Info centre tu. Dah sampai nanti kakyung sms.

Okeh… Click!

Adoooiiii…. Ingatkan nak buat kerja. Kena call all the banks to cancel the atm cards, kena pi ambik dia, pastu nak report polis…. Adeehhhh. Dah la jerebu ni.


My sis withdrew RM400 from the atm to pay for some books, then pi merayau-rayau. I think the pickpocket probably had targeted her and followed her around, waiting for the right time to fish out the purse. My sis ni pun satu, bawak beg yang takde zip. Main klip je kat tengah, memang la menggiurkan for the pickpockets.

Dah sampai kat KLCC tu, apa lagi, singgah Chillies la. Tengah makan, Info centre KLCC called. Someone found her purse. IC, license, ATM cards semua ada. Alhamdulillah, save us the hassle of reporting and stuff. But she need to make new ATM cards.

So for those people out there, beware of pickpockets!!
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