Sunday, May 01, 2005

Sleepless In Cheras..

I think I slept around 1 last night. Even though there was no emergencies and the ward was quiet. I just couldn`t sleep. Then i woke up at 4am. Tossed and turned. My mind was doing the 100metre dash. Just couldn`t sleep. Terkebil-kebil je.

Baik buat solat sunat....

Hmmm.... still couldn`t sleep. Baru pukul 5. Must be the nescafe semalam ni. Sampai 2 satchets. Padan muka. Ye la usually saturday night call is quite busy. Those drunken people with motor vehicle accident, kena stitch sana sini, mata dah bengkak tak boleh bukak... usually happens during the weekend. Quiet pulak semalam. Maybe ramai yang balik kampung, long weekend. Maybe thinking about the coming exam. Urghhhhhh!!!! Why did i put myself into this. It`s self torture. Ain`t gonna get any easier anyway bila dah jadi specialist. Or maybe i`m just too excited that he`s coming?? Hmmmm...

List of stuffs to do today:
1. Top up touch&go card
2. Cat food
3. Basuh beg, kena kencing Yibbe lagi... adeehhh.
4. Iron baju
5. Kemas notes.... bilik dah macam tempat kucing beranak
6. Cook lunch
7. Hot oil hair
8. Shave... dah ada hirsutism
9. Isi minyak kereta
10.Cuci kereta kalau sempat

Bila nak masuk subuh neeiii?? Maybe boleh cabut awal sikit. Just leave a note to the next person on-call. Two cases for review. Just simple ones. Then boleh pi pekena tosai.

Boring laaaa tak dapat tengok AIM. I don`t watch TV much. Usually the TV watches me. Maybe tonight can go watch movie. Lama dah tak menghabiskan pulus kat TGV tu. My record was 3 movies in one day. After the 3rd one, i`ve become deaf and dumb. The tympanic membrane was malfunctioned after 5-6 hours of torture. Aaahhh... those were the days.

Three hours of sleep. Apasal rasa hyper je ni? Nescafe hangover ke? Malam ni sure zonked out. Kesian la my date....

6:05am Still wide awake.... AAARRRRGGHHHHHH!!!!!
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